10 LinkedIn Background Photo Ideas To Make Your Profile Stand Out
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As one of the most popular social media sites, LinkedIn is one of the most used
platforms on the internet. With more than 650 million users across 200
countries, it’s one of few websites that have a global influence.
Although there is a growing number of social media platforms, there’s no
denying that LinkedIn is in a league of its own. It’s a hub for anyone who
wants to explore career opportunities or hone their professional profile. With
over half a billion users, you’ll want to make sure that you stand out from the
How To Craft An Amazing LinkedIn Cover Photo
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Are you looking for a fast, simple, and effective way to spruce up your
LinkedIn profile? The answer is quite literally at the top of your profile page
– the LinkedIn cover photo.
If you want to steer away from the default cover photo, choose an image that
will transform your page for the better. Here’s how to make it happen.
Why Use A Custom LinkedIn Cover Photo?
Before changing your LinkedIn cover photo, it’s only natural to wonder if it’s
worth the extra effort.. The short answer is ‘yes’, but you’ll probably want a
little more detail than that.
How to Create a Powerful LinkedIn Profile
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Your LinkedIn profile is as good as who you are in front of other
professionals. It’s safe to say that your profile views and network are greatly
influenced by how much effort you put into optimizing your profile.
It’s been said before: Your profile should reflect your skills and expertise in
your field. There’s no easy way to achieve this, but you’ll get there with
constant effort and patience.
We listed the main factors of a LinkedIn profile that you should optimize to
boost your visits:
How To Write Attention-Grabbing LinkedIn Headlines
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When we’re working on our LinkedIn profiles, we often spend minutes looking for
the perfect profile photo and banner. We wouldn’t want to miss out on a
recruiter or client opportunity just because we settled for a dull page.
However, visually-appealing content isn’t the end-all-be-all of creating a good
impression. Right below your name sits your headline: a 120-character space
that can help you stand out.

It goes without saying that the more effort you put into improving your
headline, the more likely you are to get messages. We rounded up a few tips to
help you maximize your LinkedIn headline:
LinkedIn Headline How To Grab Attention in 120 Characters
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LinkedIn is a pool of professional users fighting for
attention with eye-catching job titles and visually
appealing cover photos. However, most people miss the
important part of any profile: The LinkedIn headline.
A glance at your profile usually means scanning the page
and reading just the little tag line placed below your
name. Others simply plug in their job title and current
company, but there are better ways to use the short
description box to your advantage.
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